01 Sep Think and Be Fit
By Donna Jenkins
Are You In Denial?
Fitness coaches and trainers spend a great deal of time doing more than just teaching clients how to work out; a lot of time is also spent discussing clients’ lifestyles and eating habits that generally affects their overall health status. The truth of the matter is that the average person is in denial about being overweight, unhealthy & out of shape?
We have become quite familiar with phrases like, “I know how to eat, I just don’t do it” and “I’m ok with my size; I just need to tighten up or lose a little.” As Personal Trainers and Fitness Consultants, it is our job to help you look and feel better. If you think you’re fine the way you are, what do you need us for, right? Wrong! Denial is a simply a defense mechanism by which a person who is faced with a truth that makes them uncomfortable, deliberately reject that truth and instead insist that it is false, despite all of the overwhelming evidence, right in front of them. My question to you is, “what is preventing you from truly reaching your fitness, health and nutritional goals?
What we often find when talking with clients is that most people don’t truly know how to eat and are NOT as happy with their size and shape as they would lead us to believe and have convinced themselves of. The questions that then come next are: Why are we in denial? Why do we deceive ourselves?
I can only speak for myself when I say, just STOP IT! Obesity is out of control! For us to be of assistance and for you to achieve your goals, you must first admit that you need help.
How do we help? With a concept I call Think and Be Fit. Before you ever touch a weight or meet with a nutritionist, get your head in the game. You must first focus on you what you want and why you want it. Think and Be Fit will solve many problems for you before they ever have a chance to come up because it is you who have made the decision to come clean with yourself and make the decision to do something about it.
So for some, this is the beginning of your fitness journey and for others this is a restart but with a mindset that will give you the strength and the tools to overcome your weight loss stumbling blocks!
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